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Francisco Pizarro Lima

Francisco Pizarro: Spanish Conqueror and Founder of Lima

Francisco Pizarro: Spanish Conqueror and Founder of Lima

Early Life and Explorations

Francisco Pizarro was born in Trujillo, Spain, in 1478. Little is known about his early life, but he embarked on his first expedition to the New World in 1513. He joined forces with Vasco Núñez de Balboa and played a significant role in the discovery of the Pacific Ocean in 1513.

Conquest of the Inca Empire

In 1524, Pizarro led an expedition to the Inca Empire in South America. With just a few hundred men, he managed to conquer the vast empire and capture its emperor, Atahualpa. Pizarro's victory was due in part to his superior weapons and strategy, as well as the political divisions within the Inca Empire.

Founding of Lima

In 1535, Pizarro founded the city of Lima, which became the capital of the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. Lima quickly grew into a major center of commerce and culture, and it remains the capital of Peru to this day.

Death and Legacy

Francisco Pizarro's life came to an end in 1541 when he was assassinated by supporters of Diego de Almagro II, a rival conquistador. Despite his premature death, Pizarro left a lasting legacy as one of the most successful Spanish conquistadors. His conquest of the Inca Empire opened up a vast new territory for Spanish colonization, and the city of Lima became a major center of the Spanish Empire in the Americas.
